Your skills are needed by Medcomms agencies of all sizes

Benefits of Talus

The simplest way to offer your expertise to a wider MedComms audience.

Grow your reputation and your client base

MedComms agencies rely on the talents of freelancers to deliver quality work. With Talus, you’ll gain access to briefs that maximise your talents, generating positive feedback and helping you attract even more agency clients.

Work with the world’s leading agencies

With Talus, you’re not limited to working with agencies in your country or even in your timezone. Make yourself available to leading MedComms agencies based all over the world.

Fulfil your professional potential

With Talus, it’s easier than ever to grow your career. You’ll optimise your schedules, pick up short term contracts to fill gaps in your workload and longer-term jobs to provide security and consistent income, all from trusted, vetted agencies.

Focus on your job, not your admin

You’re a freelancer, not an administrator. Make time for your talents by trusting Talus to handle contracting and invoicing, freeing you to focus on maximising your productivity.

Collaborate with your agency clients

With Talus, it’s never been easier to collaborate with MedComms agencies. Simple progress tracking and instant messaging means you can work seamlessly with an agency no matter where you - or they - are.

Evolve the way you work

From showcasing your talents, to attracting leading agencies as your profile and presence automatically grows, to improving your efficiency with intuitive project management tools, Talus helps you evolve - and improve - the way you work.

Features of Talus

Improve your professional life

Reach global agencies, searching for your skills

Consistent, fair rates with no fees or hidden costs

Thorough vetting to grow your reputation

In-built contracting and invoicing processes

Detailed briefing processes and seamless collaboration

Full control over your availability with a choice of short and long term contracts

Full oversight with progress monitoring

Focus on jobs that showcase your skills

Continual improvements to tools and processes

How Talus Works

Three simple steps to finding the right MedComms agencies

1: Sign Up

If you specialise in MedComms, have worked in-house and can be endorsed by two previous clients, you’re eligible to sign up. You’ll be asked to develop your profile, confirm your availability, and review your rates and our user agreement.

2: Get Verified

After you’ve applied, we’ll check your two endorsements and ask for your company and financial details. Once everything’s been approved, we’ll verify you as a freelance MedComms expert.

3: Start Working

Once you’re verified, you’ll start receiving requests for availability directly from agencies searching for your skills. You’re ready to evolve the way you work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I choose to use Talus?

Because our platform makes your life easier. It’s as simple as that.

Talus empowers you to work with more clients than ever before. And we’ll make that work simpler than ever, with comprehensive job flows that improve the quality of briefs, reduce the time you need to spend on unbillable admin, and ensure you earn competitive rates that reflect your expertise.

Does Talus charge a subscription?


Freelancers don’t pay a penny to use Talus. The rates on the platform go entirely to you. We negotiate our fees separately with agencies.

What are my rates?

The rates on Talus are set by Talus and visible to you during your sign up.

These rates are a product of market research and are reviewed every quarter in line with feedback and changing market conditions to ensure they are well-balanced and fair.

Our aim is to build an environment beneficial to both clients and freelancers. As such, we welcome all feedback on our rates – please contact us at

How do agencies find me through Talus?

By using our platform’s search and filter functions.

The moment you’re verified, you’re visible to agencies around the globe. But we work to match you with jobs that match your specific skills and experience, to ensure you’re able to showcase your talents and earn those verified reviews that’ll make you even more attractive to agencies.

Once a client finds you, they’ll send you an availability request..

How do I communicate with my agency client?

Talus’ bespoke job flow makes communication simple.

You can communicate with the agency hiring you directly through the platform. Talus provides you with tailored forms and response buttons to make sure you’re able to access briefs and keep clients informed about your progress, while built-in instant messaging allows you to ask extra questions in seconds.

How do I review my client?

With Talus’ built-in review infrastructure.

Once a job is complete, we’ll ask you to submit a review that covers what it was like working with the agency who selected you for that job. They’ll also be asked to do the same, so that everyone on the platform can make an informed choice about who they work with.

How do I get paid?

We make payment simple and straightforward.

We know you’re not paid to create, send and chase invoices, so we handle all of that for you. Once hours are approved, we’ll generate an invoice and request payment from clients twice a month – while you keep track of the process from the financials tab. Once the client pays, we use Wise to transfer the money into your chosen account in your chosen currency.

How complex are the tax considerations?

No matter where you are based, we keep tax simple.

Provide Talus with your relevant tax details, and we’ll make sure the correct tax amounts are included on every invoice generated on your behalf. That’s it.

You will still need to complete your own company or self-employment assessments, as required by the laws of your country.

How do contracts work on Talus?

You’ll be sent all the paperwork before you agree to a brief.

We provide you with a job-specific non-disclosure agreement and job contract, which you’ll need to agree to in order to accept a brief. It’s to protect you, and the client.

Where can I work?

We accept freelancers from 7 geographies.

We currently welcome freelancers from the USA, Canada, UK, the European Union, India, Australia and New Zealand. MedComms agencies are looking for global talent, so wherever you’re based, we can help find you the right projects to work on.

Get Started

Are you joining Talus as an agency or a freelancer?

Agencies Freelancers